Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Daily Thoughts

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

As the song was sung in school, I pondered about the meaning. It's surprising that it is considered a children's song, given its deep meaning. And u know, what the song says is true. We try to plan our future, the goal being "success" or "happiness". And then we get frustrated when things do not go our way. We forget that though we can plan, the future is not in our hands.

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a  city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 
James 4:13-14

I've learnt that I should just take things one day at a time. Seize the day. Live in the present. Happiness is not the destination; it is the journey. =) We've just got to learn to accept that there are some things you can't control. But always TRY to make the best out of the situation.

One thing you can control is your emotions. Well, at least you can try to. People cannot make you angry. It's you who allow yourself to be angry.

But enough of all the philosophical stuffs.

Random fact: I get excited over new stationery. (Yeah, like a kid) I love buying notebooks and files and stuff. I have lots of pretty notebooks which I have no use for. And I have 4 notebooks permanently sitting in my handbag! Talk about obsession!

I really don't know how I'm going to cope. I know I will be able to do it somehow. But as mentioned earlier, I will just take things one day at a time.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Of Jobs

"Hi yenee, I guess u no more in tumble tots rite?
bcoz larra told me that she missing u so much during the "story telling" session wif me b4 she sleep last week and last nite..... u take care ok."

Larra's mum posted this on my wall in Facebook. And I feel so torn. On one hand I feel so..happy, because Larra remembers me. It makes me feel like I actually meant something to her. On the other hand, I am so sad because I miss her so much too ='( From the time she started, she would cry for her mummy, and I was the one singing songs to her and she got rather attached to me, and me attached to her. She got better as time passed, growing independent. I remember I once asked her what's her favourite song and she said "I Gotta Feeling". I remember that when I complimented that she is so cute, she said "I'm not cute! Heidi is cute. I am beautiful." I remember her looking at her reflection and saying, "I look like All the Single Ladies!"

Leaving the children was the hardest part of leaving my job. The first few days after I quit was spent reminiscing. I would look at the clock and think "oh, at this time, they will be arriving. At this time, they will be having their snack..." I would look at their pictures over and over again, trying to commit every face, every smile, every incident to memory.

I really miss the better days of the job. I actually woke up in the morning with a smile, "Yay, I am going to work. I can see my beloved children!" Have u ever had a job where when u leave u actually have 700+ photos of the job? Do u collect souvenirs from the job? I bought a couple of T-shirts (the biggest size which fit me), I collect their junk like old membership cards, I bought their car sticker... Most of all, I left with lots of unforgettable memories.

Nevertheless, I do not regret my decision to quit. Maybe I'm young, inexperienced, naive to quit just because of small trivial matters, but at that time, I really wasn't enjoying my job. I stopped waking up with a smile. I started complaining. A lot. And as a young, inexperienced teen, the main criteria for my job selection was enjoyment. 

Now, I've got a new job. May not exactly be my dream job, but I get to learn new things, meet new people, love new children. Only two weeks into my job and I've already fallen in love with the children =) Besides, I really like that I am surrounded by many "Christians".  In a way, they really encourage me in my faith. And of course, as a young, naive teen, pay is also quite important in my job selection and let's just say I'm pretty satisfied with the pay I'm getting now.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. 

Colossians 3: 23-24

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Greetings people!

Well, this is my new bloggie.. My old one is kinda left to die. Don't know how many would read my blog anyway. But this is mostly for my self expression, to continue pursuing my minor interest in writing.

As my blog title suggests, my blog will be dedicated to my hobbies, that is, if i have time for them. Mostly craft stuffs, reading, and also stories of my mundane life. The address is inspired by a song from the Sound of Music 'These are some of my Favourite Things'. Unfortunately, in our busy lives, we don't have mch time for our favourite things. True? :(

My more 'professional' blog on early childhood education (a field i'm passionate about)
is It was actually set up as an assignment and my dad has encouraged me to keep it going. Hopefully i have the time to.

Nowadays, i've been really busy. And i'm supposed to be on holiday :( I just started my job in fungates kota kemuning as an assistant teacher, and i'm still not used to the timing yet! Also, i'm having lots of transport problems as I can't really drive on my own yet. Thats why nowadays i don't really have a social life, and i miss my frens much. My life is mostly: Work-sleep-eat. I'm just so exhausted from waking up at six and i have no mood for anything else. Hopefully the pieces will fall together and my life will go back to a normal-er mode soon!

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing; 
A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8