My health went downhill as I got frequent abdomen pains. (Which is bad because I'm the type who rarely falls sick). Initially thought was just due to bad digestion and started taking probiotics, but the pain continued on. After being misdiagnosed a few times (cyst, gastric), I finally got diagnosed - appendicitis (No, I did not run after my meal). It was pretty scary as my appendix had ruptured and the doctor said "it could be messy". I woke up in the middle of the night before the surgery shivering, scared and cold, and my comfort was in God. I prayed and prayed, and the hymn "Still" was repeating in my mind. Hide me now, under your wings. Cover me, within your mighty hands. When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you in clouds above. Father You are King over the flood, I will be still and know you are God. With God's blessings the surgery went well and everything is OK! I am very thankful to my family, husband (then fiance) and friends for being by my side. It was a great chance to rest and recuperate at home.
MY WEDDING! I officially married my childhood sweetheart after 9 years of dating. The wedding went on smoothly despite some hiccups. The greatest challenge for me while preparing the wedding was to brainwash myself to accept it if things do not go as planned. I had some stressed mild-bridezilla moments (I like to think that I was all calm and zen but I'll admit, there were certain times I bridezilla-ed, just mildly). It did rain in the end (oh well, it was a 50-50 chance). Thankfully, everything fell into place. I'm very glad that we did not have to spend a bomb on the wedding. After all, it's just a one day event.
Oh and also, we moved into our first home! It's so warm and cosy and lovely and I love it so much! We spent months making the house a home - hunting, moving, buying, painting. We are incredibly blessed to have such a beautiful home.
We are blissfully married and it is our second month anniversary. I love being married to my favourite person and being able to see him every day. We just came back from our honeymoon 1.0 (we plan to have more!) and it was wonderful to be able to spend 9 full days with him.
2014 was also the year when we were reminded on the brevity of life. Planes disappearing, being blown up, crashing. Initially, I was a bit worried as our flight was just two days after the plane disappeared, but I thought, there are many maaany things in life which are out of our control. Life is short and unpredictable, and we should be ready to meet God anytime, any day. "Are you living right should you die tonight? Is it well with your soul?" I'm not scared.
As I look to 2015, I want to remind myself to always look towards the goal of going to heaven. I want to do more for the Sunday School. I want to study God's Word more diligently. And I hope that whatever plans I make, God is in the center.
Have a blessed 2015!!!